Making the reading habit – a habit for children

By January 4, 2022 January 29th, 2022 Blog

Residential School in Coimbatore - SSVM World SchoolStudies show that a child’s reading abilities might have a direct link with their achievements further in life; however, the benefits of reading are not just limited to later life. Kids that read will, in general, be progressively proficient at school, flex their brain muscles, show an improvement in their jargon usage and language aptitude, and show greater compassion towards their fellow companions.

As educators ourselves, we at SSVM World School have woven an all-encompassing learning process that allows for children to connect with the mainstream mediums of instruction via a host of integrated ways – One of which is reading books from the school library.

Regarded as the best CBSE School in Coimbatore, SSVM World School has an extensively stocked library of renowned books, thereby empowering our students, irrespective of age, to build a creative mind, and seek the light of knowledge and information by reading a range of topics.

Page by page; let them discover the world

The habit of reading books makes children understand various cultures & societies, and open’s their minds to the world they live in. Beyond that, reading has definite tangible benefits too – It teaches them to be more engrossed with the subject at hand, and experience the simple joys of life too.

Knowing this, if you’ve been struggling to get the kids to leave their gadgets, and pick up a book instead, we suggest you read through our fun and easy tips on inculcating the reading habit for children…

The early bird gets the worm

There’s a reason we at SSVM World School, have introduced books to our little learners, even those aged four to seven years, from very early on. Studies have demonstrated that children who read in the early basic years are bound to intellectually prevail later on. But that’s not all; the study has further inferred that reading may have a positive impact on even their financial earning capabilities later on.

Interesting, isn’t it?

  Children who’ve inculcated the habit of reading books from an early age have also additionally demonstrated a greater propensity for word usage and language learning capabilities. They are increasingly mindful of the world, have higher self-assurance, and figure out how to think before they talk – Even the little ones.

To get the kids started on their journey of becoming book worms, here’s what you can do-

  1. Read along with them

Reading along with your youngsters can sound like simple as-pie advice, but it can be potentially difficult in case you’re a working set of parents.

However, do remember that allocating special time over the weekends or before snooze time at night will help you build up an extraordinary bond with your children and also improve their cognizance abilities.

Since the children will be partnering reading time with Mommy and Daddy along with ‘family time’, you’ll discover over time that it’ll become a familial bond even the children will cherish and enjoy.

  1. Give pre-loved books a go

Engaging the children with something exciting and energizing sounds like a fun plan, isn’t it? And it can be one if you give them a chance to begin their very own library of pre-loved books.

As the children collect used books over time and begin building their library, they’ll not only enjoy the habit of reading but also learn to care for their property and keep a track of who has borrowed what book.

Additionally, do remember that when you take them out to pick out a book of their choice, take them to a pre-loved book store and give them a chance to pick a book under a set spending plan. This way, they’ll understand money matters and learn the art of sale & purchase.

  1. Children’s comics are books too

The written word is, after all, the written word. So if your child is not too keen on reading books, worry not, switch him/her on to children’s comic books or newspapers that are specially printed for children. Check with your local newspaper vendor, for it’s possible they already have a good number of children’s comic books you can subscribe to. Alternately, ask around if some publisher prints kiddie specific newspapers- It can be a great start for your child.


  1. Give them books they NEED, not the ones you WANT

When you want the habit of reading books to become a positive, rewarding experience, charm them with books they enjoy, not ones you enjoyed as a child. If you force them to read books they don’t like, you’ll make them averse to the idea of reading books altogether.

Regardless of whether they’re reading recipe books or geographical maps or picking books that appear to have no instructive incentive to you, let them read what they need – just ensure that it’s material befitting their age group.



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