How can Schools Make their Students Responsible Social Citizens?

By January 8, 2022 January 29th, 2022 Blog

How Can Schools Make Their Students Responsible Social Citizens - SSVM Word SchoolWhat is social responsibility in Schools in Coimbatore?

We, as people of the world, face a daily reality of social, political, cultural issues that range from good to bad to ugly. Progressively conflicting and yet profoundly entwined, we seem to be living in a world with shrinking boundaries and interwoven civil challenges. And sometimes that’s a good thing, other times not so much. For the school-going children studying in Schools in Coimbatore especially, civil issues can be explained and addressed in the right way at school. There is scope for creating awareness, making a positive change and creating the next-gen of Responsible Social Citizens!

In our article, we look at ways of going past the extent of sociologies and instilling ‘Socially Woke’ exercises into the school’s teaching system. Read on…

Why is teaching social responsibility important in Schools in Coimbatore?

Innovation has changed the manners by which people cooperate, get information, and take an interest in matters that are social, political, cultural or communal. While these progressions are a natural phenomenon of our ever-expanding race to become a technology-driven world, the repercussions are that every one of us comes in increased contact with each other. 

Often, these social interactions transcend lines of geographical, social, and racial contrasts. An example of this would be say, a student in a CBSE Schools in Coimbatore being Facebook friends with say, a student in Africa. 

Now given this narrative, exercising social responsibility on the part of BOTH students isn’t just important, it’s imperative. 

And the duty of getting students ready to collaborate, understand, live and work in this shrunken global village, of creating responsible social citizens is on schools and the education system.

How do you build social development and student responsibility in the classroom in Schools in Coimbatore?

With a myopic focus on achieving 100% academic success, numerous Schools in Coimbatore nowadays neglect to impart aptitudes for evoking social responsibility in children. However, we’re at a crossroads in our present times and the need for Socially Responsible students has never been more noteworthy. Racial and cultural contrasts keep on being a wellspring of contention versus becoming the bedrock of gainful and inventive joint effort. 

Given this contentious state of affairs, what role can a school play in making a student socially responsible?

 At SSVM World School (ranked as one of the Best School in Coimbatore), 

We believe that this specific training can and should be taught at school. 

 We find that teaching this Social Science involves tackling each civil emergency that the world is as of now confronting. Beginning from an environmental crisis to gender bias, political catastrophes to cultural challenges, social education must be all-encompassing.

 At SSVM World School (ranked as one of the Best School in Coimbatore), we find that teaching socially responsible behavior means we are allowed to create individuals that can lead, think, adapt and be tolerant of differences!

 Here are a couple of demonstrated methods by which schools can incorporate social responsibility viably into their educational plan –

 1. Dynamic cooperation and mindfulness programs 

It is a fact that students learn better when they are actively engaged with the action they asked to do. Likewise, getting the students of Schools in Coimbatore to participate in mindfulness drives and community networking programs can result in higher commitment on part of the students. 

For instance, a charity drive organized by the school can assist the kids with understanding about the significance of empathy for the lesser privileged. Furthermore, it can rouse the students to initiate charity drives in their communities. 

A similar exercise organized for say, a multi-cultural fest or an environmental change walkathon, can encourage the students of Schools in Coimbatore to collaborate and cooperate. Moreover, it is with participatory movements like these, that students get encouraged to learn and act more.

2. To teach, we must learn it first

If teachers are to help students of Schools in Coimbatore understand civil responsibilities, they need to first address them in their capacity themselves. 

Given this, the scope of abilities that may be required from a teacher can range from learning a foreign dialect to undertaking a social crusade and bringing it to fruition. Or initiating student exchange programs within the school and utilizing innovation to empower students’ cooperation with peers in different nations.

How should the Best School in Coimbatore teach the duties of socially responsible citizenship?

At SSVM World School (ranked as one of the Best School in Coimbatore), 

We understand the significance of orienting parents and students regarding social individual entitlements. In other words, what this means is that students at SSVM World School (ranked as one of the Best Schools in Coimbatore) are taught and made to understand the fine nuances of communicating in a multicultural, diverse society. The duties of citizenship and the commitments that come with it are learned about in the classroom. 

 The understanding of displaying positive social behavior that adds to the benefit of everyone and being the conservator of social equality and personal freedoms are virtues we edify within the walls of our classrooms. We find that by imparting these intrinsic qualities, we strengthen the pillars of a socially responsible society.



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