Why choose CBSE schools in Coimbatore City? What difference can they make for your children’s future? How are they different from schools affiliated with other world-recognised educational boards such as ICSE and IB?Below are some of the most vital facts about CBSE schools in Coimbatore City that you should think about when selecting a school for your child:
Focused on science and math subjects
The CBSE board is comprehensive and balanced overall. CBSE schools also have humanities and management courses necessary for21st-century kids. However, they have a stronger focus on science and math subjects to develop critical thinking, objectivity, analytical, problem-solving skills, and more. These are transferable skills that are sure to be used in the future.
Preparing students for highly competitive exams
Did you know that the entrance examinations to top universities in the country are based on the CBSE curriculum? Did you also know that many exam questions are patterned after NCERT? This is why CBSE schools in Coimbatore City use NCERT books. No wonder many passers and top-notchers of the IIT-JEE, AIPMT, and AIEEE come from CBSE schools.
Prepare students for college and the future
If your children aspire to enter the fields of engineering, medicine, or science someday, then CBSE schools in Coimbatore City are the best options. A good school can effectively prepare its students for such careers by developing strong fundamental knowledge and skills.
Promotes experiential learning approach
The best thing about the CBSE curriculum is that it is veering away from the old methodology called rote learning. This is because the board believes that students should go beyond memorising concepts and theories and apply them in real life. The CBSE curriculum creates a link between classroom lessons and the real world.