People around the globe are always on the lookout for effective and successful educational institutions. Of course, the context of schooling will have an impact on the various attributes that help to contribute to the effectiveness in a few particular schools. But in the meanwhile, it has to be understood that there are certain attributes which can help to contribute to the effectiveness across the contexts of schooling themselves. Such attributes are the ones which generally exist at successful schools.
So what exactly are these qualities? Let’s have a look.
- Students want to be there
Effective schools have a nice, warm environment. Students always sense a welcoming feeling and know that the staff looks after them and cares about them. Even though there is a great amount of pressure to give a good performance throughout, which is understandable, it is put out in such a way that learning is promoted, with an expectation that the pupils will excel, and the necessary support is provided to make sure that it happens. - Dedicated Teachers
The best teachers work to improve their ability to teach. They read and explore the techniques used by others in a never-ending effort to better themselves and their skill. Effective teaching demands that the teacher be knowledgeable in the subject area. The teachers must have a detailed understanding of what is being taught. - Effective Discipline
Discipline should not be an issue. Students must respect others and failure to do so cannot be tolerated. Students must understand school and class rules and expectations, and adhere to them. When discipline is necessary, it is not vindictive, but just a consequence when a student does not do what is required. - There is a Variety of Instructional Techniques
No two classes, or two students are identical. An effective school has teachers that understand this and differ instruction to best help students be the successful. Key concepts are presented in ways to enable visual, auditory, and kinaesthetic learners grasp it. Students are actively involved in learning with a variety of opportunities to grasp key concepts. - Individualized Instruction and Approaches to Students
Students abilities and needs are different. To effectively teach all students, the school staff must understand this. The teaching and interactions with students must reflect the needs of each, with the understanding of each as an individuals. - Leadership
The building principal must have the respect of students, parents, and staff with a vision, high expectations, and the ability to help others succeed. This person must be able understand people, and motivate them, creating a positive attitude throughout the building. Successful schools have a sense of trust built on the back of an honest and caring leader.
Leaders in education need to look at what it takes for students to succeed and help create schools to educate the students of today and tomorrow. Effective and good schools are the core foundation for a child to have a very bright and successful future where they can thrive and stand out amongst all the competition.