Are you looking for a list of top CBSE schools in Coimbatore with addresses? Then please refer to the information below. They are some of the best schools in the area that follow the CBSE board.
List of top CBSE schools in Coimbatore with address and contact details:
- SSVM World School
- Address: No 72/2 Vaigai Nagar, Singanallur to Vellalore Road,
- Coimbatore – 641 016 Tamil Nadu, India.
- Email address:
- Contact numbers: +91 9344451888, 0422-2226999
- SSVM School of Excellence
- Address: Opp to Perks Manchester, Rajiv Gandhi Nagar Road, Uppilipalayam, Coimbatore –15 Tamil Nadu, India.
- Email address:
- Contact numbers: +9193645 11111, 0422-2982966, 0422-2982977
- SSVM Institutions
- Address: Alangombu (Post), Mettupalayam – 641 302, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu
- Email address:
- Contact numbers: +91 4254 277000, +919364454884
- Reeds World School
- Address: S.F.No. 40, Globus Gardens, Thottipalayam Pirivu Road, Kaikolampalayam, Coimbatore – 641 062 Tamilnadu, India.
- Email address:
- Contact numbers:+91-9344505000, 0422-2972070
Location is one of the most important factors to consider when choosing a school, which is why many parents are searching for a list of top CBSE schools in Coimbatore with addresses. This way, they know exactly how far the school is from home and determine if the daily commute is easy enough for their child. Aside from this, the information can also help them assess the quality and safety of the school’s neighbourhood.
There are many benefits to sending your kids to a school located nearby. First of all, it encourages independence.
It’s hard to encourage kids to be independent when worried about their safety and security. This is why choosing schools close to where you live is a good idea. Once your kids are old enough, they may be able to go to school and go home on their own. Knowing that the school is just a few minutes away will give you peace of mind.
Going to a nearby school also gives your kids more time for rest and leisure. The traffic in the big metro cities is taking a toll on the overall health of the students. They don’t have to endure the traffic if you live close by. Plus, they have more time for homework, rest, and leisure. They can spend more time with the family, too.
About the author:
SSVM World School in Coimbatore is co-educational and affiliated to CBSE, Delhi with English as a medium of instruction. They offer a systematic blend of innovative teaching methodology, steady progression, and spirituality in education. They have a perfect ambiance to inspire learners with the most comprehensive system of holistic education. The main aim of SSVM World School is to impart the best CBSE education to students. For more information visit the website!
Choosing the right school from the Coimbatore CBSE school list is crucial for the overall development of students and equally significant for parents. The school plays a pivotal role in shaping not only the academic but also the social, emotional, and personal growth of students. From providing a conducive learning environment to offering extracurricular activities that nurture various talents, the choice of school directly impacts a student’s holistic development. Parents invest considerable time and effort in researching the list of schools in Coimbatore to ensure they select an institution aligned with their child’s needs, values, and aspirations.
Moreover, the decision-making process regarding schools in Coimbatore is equally important for parents. They consider various factors such as academic reputation, faculty expertise, infrastructure, safety measures, and extracurricular opportunities before finalizing a school for their child. Parents understand that the right school not only fosters academic excellence but also instills essential values, cultivates critical thinking skills, and prepares students for future challenges. By making informed choices from the list of schools in Coimbatore, parents actively contribute to their child’s educational journey and overall well-being.